Tempe DUI Attorney – Tempe DUI Lawyer

Tempe DUI Attorney
Because of the many bars and restaurants, coupled with the presence of Arizona State University, Tempe police are constantly patrolling for people who they believe are operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. In order to pull a person over, a police officer must have reasonable suspicion that a law has been violated. Police officers use common driving behavior such as unsafe lane change, failure to use an indicator, speeding, not having lights on, etc., to pull people over.  Matthew Lopez is a Tempe DUI Attorney who is at the Tempe Municipal Court on nearly a weekly basis.  Mr. Lopez is familiar with the Tempe Municipal Court process and knows exactly how to handle a DUI case to provide his clients with the best possible results!
Tempe DUI Attorney Investigation
Once a person is pulled over, they are now under investigation for DUI. People often receive incorrect information about what to do if pulled over for DUI. As friendly as the police officer may be, he is not on your side and could care less if your life is ruined because of a DUI arrest. The officer will administer field sobriety tests and a portable breathalyzer. If the officer has probable cause to believe a person is Tempe DUI Attorney , the person will be arrested and taken to either the police station or a DUI task force.
Tempe DUI Attorney Consequences
Arizona has some of the stiffest DUI penalties in the country. A conviction for a DUI will result in mandatory jail, fines, alcohol education classes, and the installation of an ignition interlock device. A DUI is a class one misdemeanor – the most serious type of misdemeanor. The most devastating consequence of a DUI conviction is that it will forever appear on your criminal history, making it difficult to obtain employment or further your education.
Experienced Tempe DUI Attorney, AZ DUI Lawyer
Choosing the right Tempe DUI (Attorney) lawyer is very important. A proper Tempe DUI Attorney defense requires an open line of communication between the client and attorney. Matthew Lopez is a hard-working, honest attorney who takes the time to listen to his clients’ concerns and treats each case with individualized attention.
Matthew Lopez is an accomplished lawyer who has received extensive training in Tempe DUI (Attorney) defense. His training includes instructional courses used by law enforcement to investigate DUI’s. Matthew Lopez is also experienced in blood and breath testing and knows has to scrutinize lab results to determine if they are accurate and reliable.
If you have been arrested for a Tempe DUI Attorney, Arizona your case will either be assigned to the Tempe Municipal Court or the University Lakes Justice Court. Matthew Lopez has a good working relationship with the prosecutors and support staff at both courts and is well-respected.
Contact Matthew Lopez Law to schedule a free consultation regarding your Tempe DUI Attorney case. We will answer all of your questions and make you feel confident about our Tempe DUI Attorney representation.

via 1bestpost http://1bestp.blogspot.com/2013/08/tempe-dui-attorney-tempe-dui-lawyer.html

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